Sunday, July 27, 2008

Lofty Ambitions

I'm a home owner at last!

After months of tiring house hunting, we finally put down the cheque and bought our humble abode.

By God's grace and sheer negotiation prowess, we manage to buy the unit at a price we never thought possible. The location was ideal, the size is not excessive, the timing is right, and most importantly, it was love at first sight.

Being a home owner changes my perspective on certain things in my life.
I might have to postpone the Chanel 2.55 till my 30th birthday, or I might not be able to get that Golf GTI as my first car, or I might just have to think twice about the next time I splurge on clothes.

Ironically, I bought the house during lunch last week (greatest lunch purchase ever in my life)

Its officially called Residences @ Jansen, but I'm calling it Loflita. Somewhat like lolita, but the root word being Loft because of the high ceilings.

So come Feb'09, I would be setting up my home at 29 Jansen Road.
Meanwhile, watch this space for progress of Loflita's Extreme Makeover!

For now, the BEFORE pictures:

Rode the waves @|11:27 PM|

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Feed me this and I'm a happy girl.

Rode the waves @|7:58 PM|

Speak to my hand!

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